Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 344 - Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 344 - Friday, December 10, 2010 – Jordyn at Academic Dermatology right before we learned that her type of acne (nodular) can not be treated with things like Proactiv or even antibiotics. She has to get a prescription for something called Accutane. But, because she is of child-bearing potential, she can't begin the medication for at least one month. The doctors have to verify that she isn't pregnant. Apparently the drug can cause VERY serious birth defects so you have to PLEDGE to take two forms of birth control, unless you are abstinent. Which, as the nurse said, I assume she is. I responded that SHE BETTER BE, because she hasn't come to me yet to discuss birth control options or what the physical and emotional impacts of having sex will be. Something I truly hope she comes to me with when she decides she’s ready. But I digress. Other serious side effects include suicidal depression, swelling in the brain, even death. But all Jordyn wanted to know was whether or not it would make her gain weight. No. You might die, but you want gain any LBs. Nice.

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