Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 273 - Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 273 - Thursday, September 30, 2010 – Owen woke up from school today and told me that his stomach hurt. I said, yeah yeah, whatever, go get dressed. He got dressed and then didn't touch his breakfast. Not one bite. So, I thought, OK, maybe he isn't just faking, maybe he really doesn't feel well. So, I let him stay home from school. He ended up taking a three hour nap on the living room floor, no pillow, no blankie. Then he woke up, came in my office and said, "Mom, did I just take a nap?" Uh, yeah buddy. For like three hours. I'm glad I kept him home.

1 comment:

~Amy said...

Becky just had a post about taking a just setting your camera down and taking a picture from that level. This is a perfect example of that!!